
Caribou Habitat Restoration

Woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) boreal and southern mountain populations are designated as threatened under Canada’s Species at Risk Act and Alberta’s Wildlife Act. Many tools are being used towards achieving self-sustaining caribou populations in Alberta including habitat restoration on seismic lines.

Speaker: Scott Wilson
M.Sc, EP, Senior Environmental Analyst, Silvacom

Scott Wilson is a Senior Environmental Analyst with Silvacom’s Energy and Environment group. He partakes in the statistical analysis, reporting, stakeholder engagement, and project management of various projects for industrial and governmental clients. After completing a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Economics and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Conservation Sciences at the University of Alberta, Scott went on to complete a master’s degree in Agricultural and Resource Economics, again at the University of Alberta. His thesis focused on understanding risk preferences and the effects of risk aversion and cost variation on behaviour in conservation auctions. Scott has worked on many projects during his time at Silvacom including on-the-ground and desktop monitoring of linear restoration projects to restore caribou habitat. Learnings from early linear restoration projects are currently feeding planning and operations of ongoing and future linear restoration projects at Silvacom.
Speaker: Katie Lamoureux
BScF, RPF, Resource Analyst, Silvacom

Katie Lamoureux is a Resource Analyst and Registered Professional Forester with Silvacom’s Energy and Environment team. Over the last five years, she has been involved in all aspects of linear restoration projects across Alberta. Her experience includes planning, implementation, quality control, field coordination, monitoring, and reporting. Katie has also worked at Silvacom as a Forest Measurements Technician working on a Permanent Sample Program (PSP) and elsewhere as an Intermediate Field Technician completing cutblock layouts and various field measurements. Katie has a BSc in Forestry from the University of Alberta.

We’ll review some of the challenges and opportunities associated with linear restoration, give an overview of what is happening in Alberta, and discuss some of the projects with which we’ve been involved

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