Across the globe, the green transition and decarbonization of economic activity are accelerating. Canada is working to keep pace, evidenced by ambitious targets and collaborative initiatives across the federal, regional and municipal governments, businesses and communities. This webinar will present the findings from our research to identify the green job potential in Atlantic Canada.
Across the globe, the decarbonization of economic activities is accelerating. Canada is working to keep pace, evidenced by ambitious targets and collaborative initiatives across the federal, regional and municipal governments, businesses and communities.
The transition to a green economy will affect every industry and many jobs. However, there is limited understanding and awareness of how this green shift will impact Atlantic Canadian businesses and workers. The unique makeup of the region’s economy, workforce, and clean growth opportunities further complicate this challenge. Adopting sustainable practices and clean innovation in the ocean-based or blue economy drives jobs and skills in that sector. Without a good grasp of what a green or ‘sustainable blue’ job means in the Atlantic Canadian context, the region is in danger of missing significant opportunities to access programming, resources, and investment.
In partnership with econext and the Maritimes Energy Association (MEA), we investigated the green job potential in Atlantic Canada. We consulted over 50 organizations representing employers, governments, economic development groups and academia to identify:
Join us to learn about our findings first-hand through a 60-minute webinar. This presentation will benefit current workers, job seekers, employers, governments, and academia.
Click here to learn more!
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Dans un esprit de respect, de réciprocité et de vérité, nous honorons et reconnaissons Moh’kinsstis, le territoire traditionnel du Traité 7 et les pratiques orales de la confédération des Pieds-Noirs : Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, ainsi que les nations Îyâxe Nakoda et Tsuut’ina. Nous reconnaissons que ce territoire abrite la Nation métisse de l’Alberta, la région 3 au sein de la patrie historique des Métis du Nord-Ouest. Enfin, nous reconnaissons toutes les nations qui vivent, travaillent et se divertissent sur ce territoire, et qui l’honorent et le célèbrent.
In the spirit of respect, reciprocity and truth, we honour and acknowledge Moh’kinsstis and the traditional Treaty 7 territory and oral practices of the Blackfoot confederacy: Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, as well as the Îyâxe Nakoda and Tsuut’ina nations.
We acknowledge that this territory is home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3, within the historical Northwest Métis homeland. Finally, we recognize all Nations who live, work and play on this land and honour and celebrate this territory.
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