
Explore the Master of Environmental Science Program at the University of Toronto Scarborough!

Expand your education with the University of Toronto’s Master of Environmental Science (MEnvSc) program.

Speaker: Alanna Biason
Graduate Assistant, UTSC DPES

Alanna is currently the Graduate Program Assistant for the Master of Environmental Science program at the University of Toronto Scarborough. For prospective students with admissions questions, please contact dpes-menvsc-program.utsc@utoronto.ca or (416)-287-7205.
Speaker: Dr. Karen Smith
Assistant Professor & MEnvSc Program Director for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations (CCIA), UTSC DPES

Karen is an Assistant Professor, Teaching-Stream in the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences at the University of Toronto Scarborough and is the Director of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation field of study for the Master of Environmental Science Program. Karen’s research focuses on climate and atmospheric variability of the mid-latitude and polar regions. She is passionate about promoting climate science literacy and co-hosts a podcast about climate change and conservation called Emerging Environments. 
Speaker: Dr. Stuart Livingstone
Assistant Professor for Conservation & Biodiversity (CB), UTSC DPES

Stuart is a Professor and Program Director for the Conservation & Biodiversity field of study within the Master of Environmental Science program at the University of Toronto Scarborough. He teaches courses in Professional Scientific Literacy, Conservation Policy and Plant Taxonomy. In these courses he covers a broad array of conservation-focused content (science communication and research skills, knowledge of statistical inference and experimental design, the science-policy interface, the role of risk and uncertainty, introduced species ecology & management, taxonomic identification and conservation legislation). 
Speaker: Anisa Diljohn-Maraj
Internship Coordinator, UTSC DPES

Anisa is an Internship Coordinator for the Master of Environmental Science Program at the University of Toronto Scarborough.  
Speaker: Erik K. Dean
MEnvSc Alumni (2017) PhD Candidate

Erik is a MEnvSc alumni from the Terrestrial & Aquatic Systems (TAS) field of study and is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences at the University of Toronto Scarborough. 
Speaker: Syed Bukhari
MEnvSc Alumni (2022)

Syed is currently a PhD University of Toronto Scarborough. He completed his undergraduate degree in Environmental Geoscience and his Master of Environmental Science with UTSC's Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences. 
Speaker: Lachtin Poon
MEnvSc Alumni (2021)

Lachtin is a MEnvSc alumni from the Climate Change Impacts & Adaptation (CCIA) field of study and is currently working as a Policy Analyst with Environment and Climate Change Canada. 
Speaker: Christine Ah-Chong
MEnvSc Alumni (2023)

Christine is a MEnvSc alumni from the Terrestrial & Aquatic Systems (TAS) field of study. She is currently working as an Application Assessment Assistant with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks. 
Speaker: Seiiyinthan Nageswaran
MEnvSc Alumni (2021)

Seiiyinthan is a MEnvSc alumni from the Climate Change Impacts & Adaptation (CCIA) field of study, and is currently working as a Climate Change Specialist for Halton Region. 
Speaker: Julie Quenneville
Academic Programs Manager, UTSC DPES

Julie is currently the Academic Programs Manager for the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences at the University of Toronto Scarborough. For prospective students with admissions questions, please contact dpes-menvsc-program.utsc@utoronto.ca or (416)-287-7205. 

What this webinar will cover:

0:00 Explore the Master of Environmental Science Program at the University of Toronto Scarborough!
2:52 Part-time Studies for Working Professionals
4:51 MEnvSc Fields of Study
9:45 Research vs. Internship Option
15:17 Alumni and Student Testimonials
30:24 Application Process and Deadlines
36:02 Financial Support
40:10 Why Choose the MEnvSc Program?

Have questions about our U of T Scarborough Graduate Programs (MEnvSc, MSc, PhD)? If so, please visit our website or email us anytime!

MEnvSc: dpes-menvsc-program.utsc@utoronto.ca
MSc: dpes-graduate.utsc@utoronto.ca
PhD: dpes-phd-program.utsc@utoronto.ca

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Course Length:
45 minutes
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All Career Stages
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