
Lessons Learned: Driving Project Efficiency with Collaboration Platforms

Matidor CEO Vincent Lam presents on how new technologies can drive project efficiency and enhance collaboration across projects.

Expert: Vincent Lam
CEO Matidor

Vincent is a serial entrepreneur and an innovator at heart, with more than 20 years of experience in commercializing enterprise software. As the former Technical Lead at Google Earth, Vincent had the unique opportunity to work with the latest GIS technologies. Later, he joined Dassault Systemes as a Product Portfolio Manager, where he was responsible for the successful delivery of multiple mining-related products. During the past 7 years, Vincent has been involved in the creation of three different technology startups, and has worked with various oil and gas and environmental companies to improve efficiency and collaboration across their projects.

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Regular Price:
Course Length:
60 mins
Career Stage:
Medium Level, Advanced Level
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