ECO Canada’s

Virtual Career Fair

is BACK!

Join us from anywhere in Canada to connect with diverse employers, all from home.

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Take Your Environmental Career to New Heights!

SAVE THE DATE! ECO Canada’s Virtual Career Fair is happening nationwide on September 18, 2024, at 8:00 AM MST.

This year’s event will be fully bilingual with WORDLY! Connect with influential employers, educators, thought leaders, and job seekers within the environmental sector for an enriching experience.

What to expect?

  • Explore interactive employer booths
  • Network with industry professionals
  • Gain invaluable insights through our comprehensive learning series
  • Resume matching algorithm to connect you with ideal job opportunities

New additions this year: 

  • ECO Canada’s virtual marketplace
  • Chances to win prizes by engaging with booths and attending webinars with scavengers hunt
  • LinkedIn Certificates awarded upon webinar attendance

Our career fair platform recreates the experience of a face-to-face career event with branded booths for exhibitors. Attendees can connect through chat and video interface, and access a program of live webinars on workforce strategy best practices.

Webinar Topics Include:

  • Resume Building
  • Environmental Job Search Strategies
  • Professional Development
  • Navigating Career Transitions
  • Career Paths in Sustainable Development
  • Industry Insights and Trends
From mastering job search strategies to navigating the landscape of green careers, our sessions are designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed. Experience the convenience of advancing your career on your terms – join us at ECO Canada’s Virtual Career Fair! 

Sponsorship Opportunities!

2024 brings more opportunities for everyone, especially our sponsors.

Why Sponsor VCF 2024?

  • Boost Your Brand’s Exposure
  • Promote Your Brand to a Targeted Audience
  • Direct Audience Engagement with Push Notifications
  • Feature Your Marketing Video in Virtual Spaces
  • Gamification Sponsorship for Increased Engagement
  • Opportunity to Host or Present a Webinar
  • Generate Leads with Customizable Reports

Click here to view our past VCF Sponsors! Ready to join our wall of sponsors?

Last year was a great success, but this year promises to be even better!

A big thank you to everyone who joined us at our Virtual Career Fair 2023! We hope that your experience was seamless and engaging, fostering countless connections and exciting opportunities in the environmental sector. We trust that the insights gained from our interactive booths, webinars, and networking sessions have enriched your professional journey.

Best Non-profit Event Winner

We’re beyond excited to announce that ECO Canada’s Virtual Career Fair has been recognized as the Best Non-profit Event at the Eventeer Awards 2024. None of this would have been possible without your support!

Stats From Our 2023 Virtual Career Fair

Registered Participants
Learning Sessions
Virtual Exhibitors
Job Applications Submitted

Our Past VCF Sponsors

Thank you to all our 2023 Virtual Career Fair sponsors! Interested in becoming a sponsor for VCF 2024? Contact our sales team to explore partnership opportunities.


In Partnership With

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Site en cours de développement

Nous travaillons actuellement sur la version française du site que nous espérons lancer très bientôt!

Merci pour votre patience et compréhension pendant que nous finalisons la version améliorée du site.

Website in Development

We are working to launch the French site very soon!

Thank you for your patience while we finalize the new and improved version of our website.