
Navigating Environmental Management in the Construction Industry

Effectively evaluate and manage environmental risks and liabilities associated with your construction project. Learn how environmental auditors can best handle interactions between client, contract, environmental monitors and regulators.


Kyle Paddon is currently an Environmental Manager in Golder’s Greater Vancouver office. Having over 11 years of experience in project management, environmental auditing and monitoring during the construction phase of major projects, Kyle has provided project coordination on large scale projects and with multi-disciplinary teams. Successful implementation includes generating progress reports, interpretation of drawings, and coordination of crews, supplies, materials and equipment. He evaluates contractors’ compliance regarding regulatory approvals such as Federal and Provincial Environmental Assessment Certificates, permits, authorizations and approvals. Kyle also has extensive Geotechnical field/laboratory and environmental sampling experience. With a Geotechnical diploma from Sir Sandford Fleming College, Kyle has been registered with the Province of BC as a Civil Technician since 2006, and is also a registered Environmental Professional (Environmental Management) with the Canadian Environmental Certification Approvals Board (CECAB) since 2012.

Using project examples and learnings, this webinar will provide:

  • The difference between environmental monitoring and auditing
  • Strategies to effectively communicate with client, contractor, environmental monitors and regulators
  • How to evaluate and manage environmental risks and liabilities

Why is this topic important for environmental professionals?

Environmental professionals working within a environmental management system need to understand how to effectively evaluate and manage environmental risks and liabilities associated with construction projects. Specifically, this webinar provides an overview of how you can best handle interactions between client, contract, environmental monitors and regulators.

How do I access the recording?

Upon purchase, you will be emailed a link to the Recording Information page where you can view and download the recording. You’ll also receive access to the slide deck used in the webinar recording.

When did the live webinar take place?

The live webinar took place on April 28, 2016.

Do I need to buy separate course materials (e.g. textbooks, guides, etc.)?

All of your learning materials are included, so you don’t need to buy anything extra.

Get Started:

Regular Price:
EP Member Price:
Course Length:
90 Mins
Career Stage:
Entry Level, Medium Level
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