
Salary Insights for the Environmental Workforce

Join Geni Peters, our Director of Research, as she gives Salary insights for the environmental workforce with the use of our compensation guide. Register now to access the webinar video.

Speaker: Geni Peters
Director of Research

Geni Peters is an economist with a Ph.D. in Economics from Texas A&M University. As Director of Research at ECO Canada, she is responsible for managing, executing, and delivering environmental labour market information and national occupational standards projects, working with an army of professionals comprised of staff, consultants, strategic advisors, and subject matter experts.

What this webinar will cover:

This webinar will highlight salary information for environmental workers by region, occupational group, industry, level of experience, and type of organization. 


  1. Introduction to ECO Canada
  2. Compensation survey methodology overview
  3. Salary highlights
    1. By occupation group
    2. By level of experience
    3. By industry
    4. By environmental specialization
    5. By region
    6. By type of organization
    7. By size of organization
  4. How to get your own copy

Have questions about this webinar? If so, please visit our website or email Geni anytime!

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