
Optimizing Communication with DiSC Personality Model

Explore the power of the DiSC Personality Model, in our engaging workshop on enhancing communication.

Expert: Agnes Lo
ECO Canada

Agnes Lo, a seasoned leadership skill facilitator and coach with two decades of global experience, ignites individuals and teams to reach their highest potential. With a proven track record in over 20 countries, she is experienced in fostering cross-cultural understanding and enhancing workplace effectiveness. With extensive practice as a certified expert in psychometric assessment tools including DiSC, StrengthsFinder, MBTI, and NLP, Agnes specializes in enhancing interpersonal communication skills and maximizing team potential through the power of human connection. With over 20 years of working in corporate settings and independently providing Learning and Development, Coaching and Mentoring services, she brings these skills and more to support you in personal and professional development.

Through interactive application of scenario-based discussion and success-driven strategies, participants can expect to:

  • Recognize and communicate effectively with different personality styles.
  • Learn to recognize and leverage diverse communication styles to enhance team dynamics.
  • Acquire practical strategies for conflict resolution and effective collaboration.
  • Develop personalized action plans for improved communication and productivity in your professional role.

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