Online Course

Leadership Development by Crestcom

With members in mind, ECO Canada has partnered with Crestcom International, a globally recognized leadership development organization, to offer Crestcom’s results-oriented, live facilitated leadership development program in a virtual environment.

Each month, participants attend two 2-hour sessions for a total of 48 hours of interactive leadership development training. Participants apply skills over time, develop intentional action plans using Crestcom’s proprietary online Learning Portal, determine a measurable return on investment, and share their experiences with their peers. Each month’s learnings are further reinforced during monthly in-house debrief sessions with a professionally trained Crestcom facilitator. 

Crestcom’s unique and effective approach to leadership development is why Crestcom has been and will continue to be the top choice for transforming managers into leaders!

To receive more information about Crestcom’s training and to receive free no obligation information for their:

  • Upcoming Webinars
  • Downloadable Ebooks
  • Leadership Articles
  • Leadership Health Assessment

Please fill out the form in the Learn More button!

Get Started:

Regular Price:
Quote provided by Crestcom
EP Member Price:
Quote provided by Crestcom
Course Length:
48 hours
Career Stage:
Advanced Level
Not yet an EP Member?

Click here to learn more!

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