
Sustainable Procurement: Purchasing the Future We Want

Practical Steps to Help Your Organization Make More Sustainable Purchasing Decisions

Expert: Frances Edmonds
HP Canada – Head of Sustainable Impact

In her role as Head of Sustainable Impact, Frances Edmonds is responsible for overseeing HP’s full suite of corporate social responsibility programs including strategic partnerships with key non-profit organizations and an industry leading volunteer program. With Frances’s leadership HP is able to state that HP is Canada’s most sustainable technology company.
Expert: Amy Castator
WWF Canada – Specialist

In her role as Specialist at WWF Canada, Amy Castator leads the strategy, communications, and programming for WWF-Canada’s award-winning Living Planet @ Work Program. Living Planet @ Work offers strategic guidance, green business ideas and free resources to empower you and other employees to lead office sustainability within the workplace.

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Course Length:
60 mins
Career Stage:
Entry Level, Medium Level
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