Post by: Jennifer Schultz, ECO Canada
Here’s a look back at the top achievements ECO Canada accomplished in 2015.
We’re looking forward to continuing this progress into 2016!
1. Enhancing EP certification
Since 2001, Environmental Professional (EP) Certification is Canada’s only national designation for environmental work.
As changes are occurring in the sector, EP Certification also needs to evolve to reflect the needs and demands of the industry.
ECO Canada has taken several steps in 2015 to inform how we can make our Canadian environmental designation more valuable and relevant, engaging over 1,000 professionals and members.
This included:
- Engaging with both market and regulatory researchers to determine best practices and trends.
- Forming an EP Advisory Committee to provide input on how to increase EP credibility and value.
- Conducting an online survey for current members, past members and other professionals to provide feedback on how to best create a valuable designation.
Looking ahead to 2016
With Certification at the core of all we do at ECO Canada, we’ll continue our progress towards enhancing EP. We’ll analyze our research and feedback from professionals, industry and members, and continue engaging you as we move towards creating a high-value environmental designation.
Want your say? Share your feedback at any time to EP@eco.ca.
2. Meeting the demand for environmental skills training with the expertise of EPs
In 2015, ECO Canada launched the EP Licenced Trainer model program to leverage the expertise of our certified EPs and engage the EP community.
EP licensed trainers are selected from applications of qualified and experienced EPs who are available to work on a contract basis to deliver ECO approved training programs including webinars and speaking at ECO Canada events.
Trainers are selected based on their subject-related professional experience, education, expertise and training experience. Check; Kroger Weekly Ad, ALDI Weekly Ad, ALDI Catalogue, IGA Catalogue, Meijer Weekly Ad, Publix Weekly Ad, Coles Catalogue, Supercheap Auto Catalogue.
After a rigorous selection process, EP licensed trainers are deemed eligible to provide training on key industry topics including environmental auditing and management systems standards, legislation and regulatory compliance, and stakeholder engagement.
Learn more
Looking ahead to 2016
Stay tuned for upcoming webinars and events featuring our EP licensed trainers in 2016. See upcoming events
3. Expanded our Training Offerings
In 2015, ECO Canada increased the number of training courses, events, workshops, and webinars available for students, interns, young professionals and experienced professionals.
New online course in Environmental Law
ECO Canada launched a new online course in Navigating Canadian Environmental Law to provide best practices for due diligence, working with regulators and finding relevant legal information for new types of projects and ongoing compliance. This course is one of our most popular online courses we offer.
Webinar Events
With a national and diverse audience, online webinars have provided an excellent opportunity for professionals to connect and learn.
ECO Canada ran a number of webinars on topics including:
- Transitioning to ISO 14001: 2015
- Fundamentals of Waste Incineration,
- Crash Course in Environmental Law,
- Project Management,
- Sustainability reporting,
- Sustainability leadership,
- Understanding and Implementing Globally Harmonized Systems; and
- Insights from Environmental Labour Market Research.
Workshops and events
Regional training courses and networking events were provided in Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto, and soon to be Vancouver. Topics for training included ISO 14001:2015, Project Management and Sustainability Reporting.
Looking ahead to 2016
We’re looking at introducing more webinar and training events in 2016. What topics would you like to see us offer in 2016? Share your feedback and see upcoming events
4. Continuing to tap into Canada’s environmental labour market
With over 20 years of experience in the Canadian environmental labour market, our research informs industry leaders, employers and professionals of key trends in the sector.
ECO Canada continued to monitor the pulse of the environmental labour market in 2015 with several key research publications. They include:
2015 Survey of Environmental Employers
Funded by the Government of Canada, under the Sectoral Initiatives Program, the survey estimates the numbers of environmental professionals per subsector, industry and region, their educational level and establishment size.
Over 6,300 environmental and non-environmental employers will be surveyed across Canada.
This research will help identify workforce issues by gaining an understanding of the skill needs and expectations from environmental employers and those employers for whom environmental issues may be a concern.
Learn more
Careers in Site Assessment and Reclamation
This report contains the latest labour market insights into this dynamic sub-sector, including core career paths, typical employers, average salaries, and future job market prospects.
Download the report
Careers in Air Quality
Careers in Water Quality
Download the report
Looking ahead to 2016
ECO Canada will continue to publish our findings on the latest labour market insights for other environmental sub-sectors including Waste Management and Fisheries and Wildlife.
5. Growing the economy with the EYC internship program
Environmental and sustainability professionals are absolutely vital across all sectors of the economy.
In 2015, ECO Canada has worked hard to encourage businesses to hire young professionals to fill new full-time environmental roles.
Working with Environment Canada, ECO Canada’s EYC Internship Program has provided wage subsidies to eligible organizations to hire young professionals.
In 2015, this program has provided 124 jobs across Canada and over $1,200,000 in wage subsides.
Looking ahead to 2016
ECO Canada is continuing the EYC program into 2016 to provide more environmental jobs and wage subsidies.
See internship program