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For Employers Working
in the Environmental and Sustainability Sectors

Workforce Solutions for Environmental Employers to Move Your Business Forward

A wide range of solutions to help you meet the challenges of talent and capacity management. Explore funding for new hires, professional development resources, labour market research, custom training and HR programs.

Your Team

Lifelong learning is key to personal and business success. Create an engaged and motivated team with on-the-job learning. We offer a range of practical professional development opportunities including Indigenous Relations, Technical and Soft Skill Training, Conferences and Continuing Education.

Custom HR Solutions

For almost 30 years, we’ve been at the forefront of research, training, and staffing in the Canadian environmental sector. Our team of HR experts work with organizations of all sizes to help them optimize and manage their workforce. Let us help you grow your team and take the next steps in your organization’s evolution.

Wage Subsidies

In partnership with the Government of Canada, we provide direct funding for co-op student positions and full-time new hires in STEM, digital skills, environmental and sustainability roles. This funding is available to all organizations for those areas, even if you’re not in a dedicated environmental economic sector. Funding is limited, apply early.


Demonstrate Your Sustainability Credentials with the EP Employer Designation

Our EP Employer designation recognizes the holistic contribution of organizations to the environmental workforce, and equips them with the tools and resources they need to grow and thrive.

This designation demonstrates to shareholders, investors, your employees and other stakeholders. EP Employer also offers many tangible benefits, including:
Get the facts

Workforce Research & Resources

Our research team is at the forefront of Canadian environmental thought and analysis. We conduct extensive study of the environmental workforce, from trend and statistical analysis to socioeconomic impacts and issues. This research can help you make better, more efficient, and more informed talent management decisions.


Employee Training & Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is key to personal and business success. Our employee training programs are custom crafted to give your workforce practical learning and skill development across a broad range of topics that can help you move your business forward. Many courses are available live and on-demand that teach everything from essential soft skills to rigorous environmental issues analysis.

ECO Canada BEAHR Logo
Cultivating Careers

Become a BEAHR Trainer

Our one-of-a-kind Indigenous training program, dedicated to First Nations, Metis and Innuit learners, provides culturally relevant and practical learning that is unmatched elsewhere. Becoming a certified trainer allows your organization to build relationships with local communities and grow an inclusive workforce.

Connect With Others

Upcoming Live Events

We offer an extensive lineup of in-person and virtual events that provide valuable educational and networking opportunities.