
Qualified Candidate Status

Programs that do not meet the accreditation criteria yet, for example programs that are still in development or that do not have a graduating class yet, may apply for Qualified Candidate Status (QCS) with ECO Canada.  

ECO Canada Qualified Candidate Status classifies a program as having pre-approval to engage in the ECO Canada Accreditation process.


If you are interested to apply for Qualified Candidate Status for your program, please contact the ECO Canada Accreditation team at to ask any questions and receive the application form. You can also download the one-pager below for more information. 

The accreditation team will ask for more details to assess the program and determine eligibility. 

The Canadian Environmental Accreditation Commission or the International Environmental Education Accreditation Commission (IEEAC) for international Programs will decide on the application and grant Qualified Candidate Status to the successful programs. Programs need to submit an annual report with any progress updates and work on a self-study document (template will be provided by the accreditation team). Once the program meets the requirements for accreditation a site visit will be scheduled and the program can obtain full accreditation. 

Students and environmental workers both benefit from student co-op placement

Benefits of Qualified Candidate Status

  • Placement of logo and program link on the ECO Canada website. 
  • Annual Webinar: ECO Canada will host a virtual presentation for your faculty and students to share 
  • New Environmental Labour Market Research, ECO Canada resources, and more! 
  • Access to marketing support 
  • EPt Student Membership: Free membership for students while the program holds Qualified 
  • Candidate Status providing access to career development resources.  
EPt Student Benefits


Application fee: $300 (Canadian dollars)
For more information download the Qualified Status one-pager.

Find a program

List of programs with Qualified Candidate Status

The following programs have obtained Qualified Candidate Status from ECO Canada:

Want more information?

If you are interested in learning more about our accreditation programs, feel free to contact us.

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