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These programs help employers attract new talent, while saving initial wage and training costs. Best of all, young practitioners and students will be able to kickstart their career journey and gain meaningful work experience.

Thanks to our funding partners, we have several programs available. Each program has unique eligibility requirements for employers and job candidates.

Whether you are new to this program or if you have previously participated in one of these programs, fill out the form to get started.

To date we have distributed over $144M in wage and training subsidies and helped to fill 14,000 job placements!

Compare Programs & Get Started

These programs help employers attract new talent, while saving initial wage and training costs. Best of all, young practitioners and students will be able to kickstart their career journey and gain meaningful work experience.

Thanks to our funding partners, we have several programs available. Each program has unique eligibility requirements for employers and job candidates.

Whether you are new to this program or if you have previously participated in one of these programs, fill out the form to get started.

To date we have distributed over $144M in wage and training subsidies and helped to fill 14,000 job placements!

ECO Canada



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Job Market Trends

For over 20 years, ECO Canada has been studying the environmental labour market to find trends and opportunities in the sector. Our expertise can help you make informed decisions whether you are a policymaker, job seeker, academic researcher or student.

Labour Market Research

Environmental Workforce 101

We aim to name the jobs and career profiles within the environmental space to give you a clear picture of the work that is carried out in Canada

working from home


Labour Market Resources

Our labour market information (LMI) spans intelligence on the current and future labour market, dedicated reports on relevant topics such as the green economy and clean technology. This has led to the creation of the National Occupational Standards, the only guide to detail the skills and knowledge environmental professionals need to succeed. This research helps employers identify training and upskilling requirements, and job seekers approach career planning with valuable industry insight. Our research is funded by the Government of Canada and adheres to strict guidelines.

How do your salaries compare?

Our comprehensive compensation benchmarking guide will help you ensure that your organization is prepared to meet labour market challenges with data-driven compensation statistics.

News & Updates

Blog Articles

Find the latest industry news of Canada’s environmental workforce, including topics such as career development best practices, industry trends, latest labour market findings, and more.


National Occupational Standards

Our National Occupational Standards (NOS) describe the acceptable skills and knowledge required of environmental professionals in the areas of core knowledge, transferable competencies, and shared knowledge.

project management webinar

Research & Resources

Career Best Practice
Guides & Resources

Explore our library of eBooks, Program Guides, Brochures, Videos and Other Resources.

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