100-Hour Net-Zero Student Challenge

Can You Innovate for a Sustainable Future? In just 100 hours, can you develop a groundbreaking solution to an industry-specific problem that propels us toward net-zero emissions? This challenge is your opportunity to make a real impact with your creativity and ingenuity. Your solution could take any form—a new product, a cutting-edge app, a strategic policy, an educational campaign, a compelling business case, or something entirely unique. The only requirement? It must be designed with the planet and its people in mind.

What to expect?

Guided by industry experts, you’ll collaborate with fellow students to tackle pressing issues that hinder businesses from reducing their emissions. Prior to the challenge, organizations and businesses will submit specific problems categorized by industry. Whether it’s a research question, a technological hurdle, or a business dilemma, you’ll have a range of challenge topics to choose from!

To be eligible for participation, you must be a post-secondary student currently completing your first Canadian diploma or degree.

Your Mission

Create a solution that not only addresses the challenge but also accelerates our collective journey to net-zero. With your innovative ideas, we can pave the way for a sustainable future. Are you ready to take on the challenge? 


June 18 - September 11: Registration Open!

**To be eligible for participation, you must be a post-secondary student currently completing your first diploma or degree.** 

During the registration process, you will have the opportunity to register as a team or an individual. You will also be asked to select your primary and secondary industry of choice.

  • You will be sent a Readings & Resources package with pre-reading information, judging criteria, a detailed schedule, a list of attending industry representatives, meeting links and information about virtual platform access, teams list, VCF info, and calendar invites for the event. 
  • Access to an online discussion platform (Slack), where all you can talk to other registrants, brainstorm, and exchange information. 
  • Free virtual training sessions, such as public speaking or project management, may be available six weeks prior to the challenge. 
  • Prizes will be announced.

*Prior to the kick-off, individual registrations will be formed into a team based on 1) Interest area, 2) Time zone/time availability, and 3) Diversify team areas of expertise. Teams of 3 or less may be added to other teams if necessary (we will let you know if this is the case).

  • The challenge officially kicks off and the specific challenges are revealed. 
  • An opening keynote speaker describing the net-zero transition and the role of students, industry, academia, and government in ensuring a clean future. 
  • You will have the chance to go into a breakout room to meet your team, pick a team name, and decide which challenge you will be working on.  
  • Speed mentoring event with industry volunteers. Groups will have a chance to talk with industry representatives to better understand the issue, context, and limitations. You will be encouraged to make connections with the representatives and tap into those resources as you develop your concept. 
  1. Your team works on the solution! 
  2. You are encouraged to connect with other students and industry as you work through the challenge (Slack & VFairs). 
  3. You will also have access to tools and resources through ECO Canada during this time. 
  4. Before the end of the day on Sunday, September 15th you have to register for a presentation time slot during the virtual career fair on Wednesday, September 18th.  
  5. Presentation slide decks with the solution must be submitted by 6 PM MT on Tuesday, September 17th.

Note that at least half of your group must show up to the presentation to stay in the competition. All group members are strongly encouraged to attend. 

Students give a 10-minute presentation with a 5-min Q&A. Presentations will need to: 

  • Your team gives a 10-minute presentation with a 5-min Q&A. Presentations will need to: 
    • Define the problem & scope 
    • Propose an original solution  
    • Highlight the impact 
    • Touch on possible risks and challenges in implementation 
    • Next steps  
  • All team members must complete a post-participation survey, ensuring that: 
    • You receive your Certificate of Participation and $20 participation prize 
    • Your team is qualified to win! 
  • The winners are announced (top three and a people’s choice vote) 
  • Prizes awarded! 

Net-Zero Challenge Information

Are you a net-zero professional interested in mentoring students participating in the challenge?

You can take part in the 100-Hour Challenge by providing project guidance, serving as a panel judge, submitting challenges, delivering kick-off keynote speeches, joining our networking events, or sponsoring student prizes. See all opportunities and express you interest below!

Want more information?

If you are interested in learning more about any of these opportunities to build the future generation of net zero leaders, please reach out to our project team or discover more about ECO Canada’s net-zero Work Integrated Learning opportunities by clicking below.

This project is done in partnership with the Business + Higher Education Roundtable, and with support from the Government of Canada.

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