Become a certified Environmental Professional (EP®) Today!

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In a world where environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discussions, the need for dedicated Environmental Professionals (EP®) has never been greater. Whether you’re a seasoned environmentalist or someone looking to make a positive impact in the world, becoming an EP® offers a unique opportunity to contribute to sustainability efforts and drive meaningful change.  

What is an EP®? 

EP® stands for Environmental Professional, a designation awarded to individuals who demonstrate expertise and commitment to environmental protection, conservation, and sustainability. These professionals play a crucial role in various sectors, including government agencies, consulting firms, non-profit organizations, and industry, ensuring that projects and policies adhere to environmental regulations and best practices. 

Why Become an EP®? 

  1. Be a change-maker: As an EP®, you have the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the world. Whether you’re involved in environmental assessments, policy development, or sustainable resource management, your work directly contributes to protecting our planet for future generations.


  1. Gain Professional Recognition: Achieving EP® designation showcases your expertise and dedication to environmental stewardship. It sets you apart in a competitive job market and enhances your credibility among peers, employers, and clients.

The EP® designation has done a lot for my own self confidence within the environmental sector, and to some degree has also elevated my status within my corporation. I have said this many times before, but I think the old adage is true that “you only get out what you put in”. With ECO Canada, I have found I have got so much more out of the organization and the EP® designation once I started to participate and contribute more.  “- Dennys O’Keefe- EP® Champion. 


  1. Boost Career Advancement: EP® designation opens doors to exciting career opportunities and advancement prospects. Employers increasingly prioritize candidates with specialized skills in environmental management and sustainability, making EP® s highly sought after across industries.


  1. Develop Networking and Collaboration: Joining the EP® community connects you with like-minded professionals who share your passion for environmental sustainability. Networking opportunities, conferences, and events provide avenues for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and professional growth.

“The EP® designation provided the opportunity to be embraced by environmental professionals dedicated to advancing sustainable practice and responsible economic growth.”-  Zhongzhi Chen-EP® Champion. 


  1. Ensure Continual Learning: Maintaining EP® status requires ongoing professional development, ensuring that you stay informed about the latest trends, technologies, and regulations in the environmental field. This commitment to learning enhances your skills and keeps you at the forefront of industry advancements.

Visit this link to learn more about becoming an EP®, certification requirements, and how to get started on your path to becoming an Environmental Professional. 

Does your experience fit into specializations? 

Individuals will have the opportunity to opt for either a designation and proceed directly to the examination or select one or more of our 16 specializations to incorporate into their application. These specializations offer supplementary credentials, enabling professionals to highlight their areas of expertise and augment their career trajectory and professional impact. With over 300 competency statements meticulously classified into various environmental sub-sectors, applicants can rest assured that their specialization aligns closely with their chosen field. 

Visit this link to learn more about our specializations. 

No specialization? No problem! 

Recognizing that the environmental field encompasses various activities and expertise, we recently started to offer a more diverse and flexible certification approach. Environmental practitioners pursuing the EP® designation are now able to proceed without specialization.  

Please note that this does not apply to the EP in training designation (EPt)- for which 1 to 2 specializations still need to be chosen. 

Whether you’re embarking on a career in environmental management or seeking to advance your expertise as a seasoned professional, becoming an EP® offers a rewarding journey filled with opportunities for growth, impact, and collaboration. Join the EP® community and be part of a global network of environmental stewards driving positive change for our planet and future generations. 

 Take the eligibility quiz and join the EP® Community Today!  

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