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ECO Canada and NSDC sign agreement

ECO Canada and NSDC have signed an agreement recognizing our shared commitment to help connect qualified workers with jobs.
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We have some exciting news to share!

On Wednesday, ECO Canada signed a Memorandum of Understanding with India’s National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC).

The agreement highlights our organizations’ shared commitment to help workers build the skills and qualifications they need to land rewarding environmental careers.

We’re looking at how we can work together to explore:

  • Strategies for innovative skills development to help workers build practical, job-ready skills
  • Occupational standards for required competencies and knowledge in environmental work
  • Research opportunities to identify skills gaps in the environmental market and build targeted solutions to bridge these gaps

It’s also a promising opportunity for a Canadian organization to share our knowledge and expertise of the environmental labour market.
Over the past two decades, ECO Canada has conducted labour market research to track the skills demand, labour supply, and growth potential for environmental jobs.

This research has supported the development of National Occupational Standards (NOS) to certify environmental professionals, and practical training programs like the lifelong learning.

All of this work was possible through the generous support and collaboration of government, industry, post-secondary educational partners, and individual professionals like you.

Thank you for your support over the years!

We look forward to continued opportunities to build workforce capacity and connect employers with qualified professionals, both in Canada and abroad.

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