energy efficiency in buildings cover ECO Canada
Labour Market Research Report

Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2021)

The building sector presents a unique opportunity to help Canada reach net-zero by 2050. To achieve this, the sector and its workforce must evolve to meet the demands for energy efficiency within new and existing commercial, institutional, and multi-unit residential buildings.

The building sector presents a unique opportunity to help Canada reach net-zero by 2050. To achieve this, the sector and its workforce must evolve to meet the demands for energy efficiency within new and existing commercial, institutional, and multi-unit residential buildings. 

Our new report on the energy efficient buildings workforce focuses on the capacity of the building sector’s current workforce and the gaps that need to be filled as Canada’s buildings transition to becoming more energy efficient.

Report Highlights

Key takeaways from the report include:

  • Attracting workers with the necessary skills for energy efficient buildings requires coordinated efforts across industry, academia and government
  • The sector is already aware of what needs to be done to reduce carbon emissions, and some companies are leading the charge with innovative solutions
  • Regional and territorial factors present challenges in the transition to energy efficient buildings
  • Training and upskilling needs to be more readily available to properly support the workforce in transitioning to more energy efficient practices

To address these shortfalls, collaboration is key.

This report outlines recommendations for industry, government and educators to address the issues facing the sector and its workforce, and help Canada realize its net-zero goals.

Download our report, using the form on the right, to learn more about the energy efficiency opportunity in Canada’s building sector.

Related Research and Training

Previous research and training on energy efficiency in Canada include:

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