High-Performance Energy Building Codes within Indigenous Communities
June 26, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
The High-Performance Energy Building Codes within Indigenous Communities course, developed with building science experts, aims to educate participants on the National Building Codes (NBC) and National Energy Codes of Canada for Buildings (NECB).
Do you know what the National Building Codes and National Energy Codes of Canada for Buildings Are? What role do they play? What are the benefits of adopting high-performance energy building codes?
The High-Performance Energy Building Codes within Indigenous Communities course was developed in partnership with experts in building science and building codes. The goal of the training is to develop an understanding of the National Building Codes (NBC) and National Energy Codes of Canada for Buildings (NECB) and provide an overview of the benefits of adopting NBC and NECB within Indigenous Communities.
Location: Online
During this workshop, you will learn the following:
- Structure of NBC and NECB
- Purpose of NBC and NECB
- Role and importance of NBC and NECB
- Benefits of adopting NBC and NECB
This is an instructor-led course with discussion groups and Q&A sessions throughout. We encourage all participants to take part in discussions. Please contact training@staging.eco.ca if you have any questions.
This training was developed thanks to the financial support of Natural Resources Canada